Company Details

LOGOCOS Naturkosmetik AG

Zur Kräuterwiese 
31020 Salzhemmendorf
 Germany Phone: +49 5153 809- 201 (Mo. - Fr.  from 9:00 until 12:30)
 Fax: +49 5153 809 40 
Email: Chairman of the supervisory board: Georg Held Executive board: Eva Leihener-Stefan, Pierre Haller VAT Reg. No.: DE 261 101 465 Register court: Amtsgericht Hannover, HRB 203235

General terms of use

Please understand that in light of the diverse opportunities offered by the Internet, we have established a series of conditions governing the use of our website that we kindly ask you to observe. Updates to these terms of use Access to this website and its use are subject to the following terms of use. This website and terms of use may be updated by us either in whole or in part at any time without notice. We therefore kindly ask you to consult the terms of use each time you access this website. Copyright and intellectual property rights The content of this website is subject to intellectual property rights, such as copyright and trademark laws. Printouts or electronic copies may be used only for private information purposes. Any reproduction for other purposes, and in particular for commercial use, is prohibited. Any use of the content of this website, apart from for privately used information, including text, images, logos, graphics, music, animations, videos, etc., is only permitted with our express written consent. A violation of intellectual property rights, in particular the unauthorised use, reproduction or distribution of content, may result in civil and criminal penalties. Disclaimer The information on this website has been compiled with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. This information serves to represent our company and products. We strive to update this information continuously. Nevertheless, we do not accept any liability for the completeness, accuracy and validity of this website. This website is for general information purposes only and does not replace medical or professional advice. For any related questions, please contact your doctor or specialist. We accept no liability for treatments undertaken on the basis of the website. Our web pages contain links to websites from external providers. We have no control over the content of such pages, and the respective operator is solely responsible for this content. In light of this, we are unable to accept liability for the content of external websites operated by other providers. At the time the link was created, we reviewed linked pages for illegal content. No violations were apparent at that time. Nevertheless, continuous monitoring is not possible and, without concrete evidence of a legal violation, is also not reasonable. In the event that a violation becomes apparent, we endeavour to remove the relevant links immediately. Picture Credits SunKids@Shutterstock